Tuesday, June 21, 2022

New Books - 21 June 2022


The astromancer: the rising of Matariki.
Ihimaera, Witi and Te Aho-White, Isobel Joy.
Auckland, New Zealand: Pcture Puffin, 2022.


Matariki around the world: a cluster of stars, a cluster of stories.
Matamua, Rangi and Kamo, Miriama and Te Aho-White, Isobel Joy.
Auckland, New Zealand: Scholastic New Zealand Limited, 2022.
394.261 Mat

Myths and legends of Aotearoa.
Rae Te Ake Ake, Annie.
Auckland, New Zealand: Scholastic New Zealand Limited, 2018.
398.20993 Rae


Wai Pasifika: indigenous ways in a changing climate.
Young, David.
Dunedin, New Zealand: Otago University Press, 2021.
333.91 You

Niho taniwha: improving teaching and learning for akonga Maori.
Riwai-Couch, Melanie.
Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand: Huia Publishers , 2021.
371.829 Riw


Qualitative research methods.
Liamputtong, Pranee.
5th ed. Docklands, Victoria, Australia: Oxford University Press, 2020.
300.72 Lia

Qualitative research & evaluation methods: integrating theory and practice.
Patton, Michael Quinn.
4th ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications, Inc., 2015.
300.72 Pat

Participatory practice: community-based action for transformative change.
Ledwith, Margaret and Springett, Jane,
2nd ed. Bristol: Policy Press, 2022.
307.14 Led

Environmental politics and policy in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Bargh, Maria and MacArthur, Julie.
Auckland, New Zealand: Auckland University Press, 2022.
333.7 Env

Professional writing skills for social workers.
Frith, Louise and Martin, Ruben.
2nd ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2021.
361.3071 Fri

The urge: our history of addiction.
Fisher, Carl Erik.
New York: Penguin Press, 2022.
362.29 Fis

Grief work in addictions counseling.
Furr, Susan R. and Hunsucker, Kathryn.
New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022.
362.29 Gri

Safeguarding children, young people and families.
Douglas, Vida and Fourie, Julie.
London; Thousand Oaks, California: Learning Matters, 2022.
362.76 Dou

Twist Library Quote of the Day:
"Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life."
~ Sidney Sheldon (1917-2007. American writer and producer)

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