Wednesday, May 18, 2022

New E-Books - 18 May 2022

Adult ADHD: Diagnostic Assessment and Treatment.
J. J. Sandra Kooij.
4th ed. Springer International Publishing.

Alzheimer's Disease Decoded: The History, Present, And Future Of Alzheimer's Disease And Dementia.
Ronald Sahyouni and Nolan Brown and Jefferson William Chen.
2nd ed. World Scientific Publishing Company.

Clinical Assessment of Human Suffering: Planning Care in the End of Life.
Ana Claudia de Lima Quintana Arantes.
Springer International Publishing.

Critical Care Nursing DeMYSTiFieD.
Jim Keogh and Aurora Weaver.
2nd ed. McGraw-Hill Education.

Dementia and Memory: Introduction for Professionals in Health and Human Services.
Thomas J. Farrer and Elise K. Eifert.
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Diagnosis Female: How Medical Bias Endangers Women's Health.
Emily Dwass.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Employment Law in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Gordon Anderson and Dawn Duncan.
LexisNexis Butterworths.

Joanna Kidman and Vincent O’Malley and Liana MacDonald and Tom Roa and Keziah Wallis.
Bridget Williams Books.

From Children's Interests to Children's Thinking: Using a Cycle of Inquiry to Plan Curriculum.
Jane Tingle Broderick and Seong Bock Hong.
National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Heart, Brain and Mental Health Disparities for LGBTQ People of Color.
James J. García.
Springer International Publishing.

Memory Loss, Alzheimer's Disease, and Dementia: A Practical Guide for Clinicians.
Andrew E. Budson and Paul R. Solomon.
3rd ed. Elsevier.

Promoting Resilience in Dementia Care: A Person-Centred Framework for Assessment and Support Planning.
Julie Christie and Wendy Mitchell and Professor Mary Marshall.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Public/Community Health and Nursing Practice: Caring for Populations.
Christine Savage.
2nd ed. F. A. Davis Company.

Reflective Teaching in Schools.
Andrew Pollard and Mark Winterbottom and Kristine Black-Hawkins and Gabrielle Cliff Hodges and Pete Dudley and Steve Higgins and Mary James and Holly Linklater and Sue Swaffield and Mandy Swann.
5th ed. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

The Routledge International Handbook of Learning with Technology in Early Childhood.
Natalia Kucirkova and Jennifer Rowsell and Garry Falloon.
Taylor & Francis Group.

The Science of Health Disparities Research.
Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable and Irene Dankwa-Mullan and Kevin L. Gardner and Xinzhi Zhang and Adelaida M. Rosario.
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Taking Charge of Adult ADHD: Proven Strategies to Succeed at Work, at Home, and in Relationships.
Russell A. Barkley and Christine M. Benton.
2nd ed. Guilford Publications.

Understanding Company Law.
Jonathan Barrett and Ronán Feehily.
4th ed. LexisNexis NZ Limited.

What I Wish People Knew about Dementia.
Wendy Mitchell.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

Twist Library Quote of the Day:
"Technology: opening minds with a new set of keys."
~ Anonymous

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