Monday, October 13, 2014

Ebook list for 13 October 2014

Applied Science

Ainsworth, B. (2012).  Physical activity and public health practice.

Burns, K. and Renda-Francis, L. (2014).  Textbook for the veterinary assistant.

Giuliani, E., Morrison, A. and Rabellotti, R. (2011).  Innovation and technological catch-up: The changing geography of wine production.

Hazelton, P and Murphy, B. (2007).  Interpreting soil test results: What do the numbers mean?

James, T. (2013).  Wines of the new South Africa: Tradition and revolution.

Murphy, R. P. and Steifler, C. K. (Eds.). (2012). Agriculture issues and policies: Grapes: Cultivation, varieties and nutritional uses.

Pattengale, P and Sonsthagen, T. (2014).  Tasks for the veterinary assistant (3rd ed.).

Sonsthagen. T. F. (2013).  Veterinary instruments and equipment: A pocket guide (3rd ed.).

Spencer, R. and Cross, R. and Lumley, P. (2007).  Plant names: A guide to botanical nomenclature (3rd ed.).

Education and Social Science

Bewley, S. and Welch, J. (2014).  ABC of domestic and sexual violence.

Herbert, J. D. and Forman, E. M. (Eds.). (2011).  Acceptance and mindfulness in cognitive behavior therapy.

O'Donohue, W. and Fisher, J. E. (Eds.). (2009).  Cognitive behavior therapy: Applying empiracally supported techniques in your practice.


Ali, N. S. (2011).  Diabetes and You: A comprehensive approach.

Buka, P. (2008). Patients' rights, law and ethics for nurses.

Holt, T. A. and Kumar, S. (2009). ABC of Diabetes (6th ed.).

Leutholtz, B. C. (2011).  Exercise and disease management (2nd ed.).

Mckenna, H., Pajnkihar, M. and Murphy, F. (2014). Fundamentals of nursing models, theories and practice (2nd ed.).

Schneider, Z. and Whitehead, D. and LoBiondo-Wood, G. (2012).  Nursing and midwifery research: Methods and appraisal for evidence-based practice (4th ed.).

Sharma, M., Branscum, P. W. and Atri, A. (2014). Introduction to community and public health.

Truswell, A. S. (2010).  ABC of nutrition (4th ed.).

Twist Library quote of the day:
"Arriving at one goal is the starting point to another."
~ John Dewey.

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