Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Twist list for 15 October 2014


The first three years last forever Whakapumautia te oranga i nga tau tuatoru. (DVD).
Mackenzie, Karen and Ruakere, Shavaughan and Brainwave Trust.
[N.Z.] : Brainwave Trust , 2008.
155.413 Fir

Why the early years count. (DVD).
McRoberts, Mike and Brainwave Trust.
Auckland [N.Z.] : Brainwave, 2011.
155.422 Why

No ordinary deal : unmasking the Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement.
Kelsey, Jane.
Wellington, N.Z. : Bridget Williams Books, 2010.
337.93 No
Health promotion and wellness : an evidence-based guide to clinical preventive services.
Hawks, Cheryl and Evans, Will.
Philadelphia, PA : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013.
362.1 Hea

Practical leadership and management in healthcare : for nurses and allied health professionals.
Sullivan, Eleanor J. and Garland, Gayle and Sullivan, Eleanor J.
2nd ed. Harlow, England : Pearson, 2013.
362.173068 Sul
EOTC guidelines : bringing the curriculum alive.
Haddock, Cathye.
Wellington, N.Z. : Published for the Ministry of Education by Learning Media, 2009.
371.3840993 Had

Teaching reading in the 21st century : motivating all learners.
Graves, Michael F.
5th ed. Boston : Pearson, 2011.
372.416 Gra

Teaching primary art.
Edwards, Jean.
New York : Pearson Education Limited, 2013.
372.520941 Edw

The daily 5 : fostering literacy independence in the elementary grades.
Boushey, Gail and Moser, Joan.
2nd ed. Portland, Maine : Stenhouse Publishers, [2014].
372.6 Bou

Nursing research using ethnography : qualitative designs and methods.
De Chesnay, Mary.
New York : Springer Publishing Company, LLC, [2014].
610.73072 Nur

Nursing research using life history : qualitative designs and methods in nursing.
De Chesnay, Mary
New York : Springer Publishing Company, LLC, [2014].
610.73072 Nur

Nursing research using grounded theory : qualitative designs and methods.
De Chesnay, Mary.
New York, NY : Springer Publishing Company, LLC, [2015].
610.73072 Nur

100 best New Zealand native plants for gardens.
Eadie, Fiona M.
Auckland, N.Z. : Godwit, 2001.
635.95193 Ead

Clinical procedures in veterinary nursing.
Aspinall, Victoria.
3rd ed. Edinburgh : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2014.
636.089073 Cli

Let's eat raw : recipes for improved health, energy and vitality.
Mathias, Scott.
Chatswood, N.S.W. : New Holland, 2014.
641.5636 Mat
I ♥ New York : ingredients and recipes : a moment in New York cuisine.
Humm, Daniel and Guidara, Will.
Berkeley [Calif.] : Ten Speed Press, 2013.
641.59747 Hum

How to dress : your complete style guide for every occasion.
Wan, Gok.
London : HarperCollins, 2009.
646.34 Wan

Lo, Dennic Chunman.
London : Laurence King, 2011.
646.4072 Lo 

Do what you are: discovering the perfect career for you through the secrets of personality type.
Tieger, Paul D.
5th ed. New York : Little, Brown and Company, 2014.
650.14 Tie

Managerial accounting.
Braun, Karen Wilken and Tietz, Wendy M.
4th ed. Boston : Pearson Education, [2015].
658.1511 Bra 

Sourcebook of contemporary fashion design.
Hidalgo, Marta R.
New York : Harper Design, 2011.
746.92 Hid

Visual research methods in fashion.
Gaimster, Julia.
Oxford ; New York : Berg Publishers, 2011.
746.92072 Gai
Home sewn: with patterns from 10 leading New Zealand designers.
Rowland, Sarah-Jane and Brown, Katie.
Auckland, N.Z. : Penguin, 2012.
746.920993 Hom

Designing costume for stage and screen.
Clancy Steer, Deirdre.
London : Batsford, 2014.
792.026 Cla

Library quote of the day:
“What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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