Development through the lifespan.
Berk, Laura E.
7th ed. Hoboken, NJ : Pearson, 2018.
155 Ber
Generalist social work practice : an empowering approach.
Miley, Karla Krogsrud and O'Melia, Michael and DuBois, Brenda.
8th ed. Boston : Prentice Hall, 2017.
361.32 Mil
Fundamentals of case management practice : skills for the human services.
Summers, Nancy.
5th ed. Boston, MA : Cengage Learning, 2016.
361.32 Sum
Emotional politics of social work and child protection.
Warner, Joanne.
Bristol : Policy Press, 2015.
362.76 War
Critical social work with children and families : theory, context and practice.
Rogowski, Steve.
Bristol, UK ; Chicago, IL : Policy Press, 2013.
362.82 Rog
Direct work with family groups.
Tait, Audrey and Wosu, Helen.
London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2016.
362.82 Tai
Domestic violence advocacy : complex lives/difficult choices.
Davies, Jill (Jill M.) and Lyon, Eleanor.
2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE, 2014.
362.8292 Dav
Health and well-being in early childhood.
Rose, Janet and Gilbert, Louise and Richards, Val.
Los Angeles : SAGE, 2016.
372.21 Ros
Complete human body. Human anatomy : the definitive visual guide.
Roberts, Alice M.
2nd American ed. New York, New York : DK Publishing, 2014.
611 Hum
Kinetic anatomy.
Behnke, Robert S.
3rd ed. Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, 2012.
611.7 Beh
A & P applications manual.
Martini, Frederic and Welch, Kathleen (Kathleen Martini) and Ober, William C. and Ober, Claire E.
10th ed. Boston : Pearson, 2015.
612 Mar
Vander's human physiology : the mechanisms of body function.
Widmaier, Eric P. and Raff, Hershel and Strang, Kevin T. and Vander, Arthur J.
13th ed. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2014.
612 Wid
Physiology of sport and exercise.
Kenney, W. Larry. and Wilmore, Jack H. and Costill, David L.
6th ed. Champaign, Il. : Human Kinetics, 2015.
612.044 Wil
Kinesiology : the skeletal system and muscle function.
Muscolino, Joseph E.
3rd ed. St. Louis : Elsevier Inc., 2017.
612.76 Mus
Nutrition across life stages.
Bernstein, Melissa and McMahon, Kimberley.
Burlington, MA : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2018.
613.2 Ber
Pedagogy and human movement : theory, practice, research.
Tinning, Richard.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2011.
613.7071 Tin
Strength and conditioning : a biomechanical approach.
Moir, Gavin.
Burlington, Massachusetts : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2016.
613.71 Moi
Murtagh's patient education.
Murtagh, John.
7th ed. North Ryde, N.S.W. McGraw-Hill Education, 2016.
615.5071 Mur
The Sheldon short guide to heart attacks.
Greener, Mark.
Sheldon Press, 2016.
616.123 Gre
Asthma sourcebook: Health Reference Series.
4th ed. Detroit, MI : Omnigraphics, 2016.
616.238 Ast
The Sheldon short guide to asthma.
Greener, Mark.
London : Sheldon Press, 2016.
616.238 Gre
The Sheldon short guide to liver disease.
Greener, Mark.
Sheldon Press, 2016.
616.362 Gre
The Sheldon short guide to diabetes.
Greener, Mark.
Sheldon Press, 2016.
616.462 Gre
The Sheldon short guide to stroke recovery.
Greener, Mark.
Sheldon Press, 2016.
616.81 Gre
Coping with headaches and migraine.
Frith, Alison.
2nd ed. London : Sheldon Press, 2016.
616.8491 Fir
A guide to women's health.
Oyelowo, Tolu, and Johnson, Judith (Judi) L.
2nd ed. Burlington, MA : Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2018.
618 Oye
Interventions for disruptive behaviors : reducing problems and building skills.
Fabiano, Gregory A.
New York : The Guilford Press, 2016.
618.9289 Fab
Robot programming : a guide to controlling autonomous robots.
Hughes, Cameron, and Hughes, Tracey.
Indianapolis, Indiana : Que, 2016.
629.89251 Hug
Art and science of spa & body therapy.
Foulston, Jane.
London : EMS Pub. 2011.
646.726 Art
The W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborgne blue ocean strategy reader.
Kim, W. Chan, and Mauborgne, Renee.
Boston, Massachusetts : Harvard Business Review Press, 2017.
658.802 Kim
Costume, makeup, and hair.
McLean, Adrienne L.
New Brunswick, New Jersey : Rutgers University Press, 2016.
791.43027 Cos
Twist Library Quote of the Day
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower."
~ Steve Jobs
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